Can you hack into Henderson's office computer?
你可以黑掉亨德森办公室的电脑 吗 ?
电影对白I need you hack into the computer so I can find the missing file.
期刊摘选If I can hack into it, I can shut it down.
如果我可以破解进去的话, 我可以关掉它.
电影对白You think your schoolboy techie friend can hack into these servers?
电影对白I need you to hack into this computer and find the missing files.
互联网You can hack into Abbott's database, right ?
你可以进入艾伯特的数据库, 是 吗 ?
电影对白In some cases, patients might even want to hack into their own neural device.
在某些情况下, 病人甚至可能要侵入自己的神经装置.
互联网Each attempt, in any way, to hack into the system will be logged.
互联网EG : I need you to hack into this computer and find the missing files.
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